Happy Earth Day 2024

As Earth Day approaches once again, there will be a slew of activities being organised to commemorate the Earth but will also mainly be to rack up a few good points on the CSR register. Lets face it, how many of these initiatives actually become policies? Let s reflect on how we can make each day count as Earth Day.
Community cleanups, tree planting campaigns and switching off the lights are not sustainable, to use a very poor pun. After all, how often we can go out with a bag and pair of tongs to the beach? Would we not rather play volleyball there? Nor can we keep the lights off forever. To give the Earth a longer lifeline, we need to inculcate sustainable lifestyles.
Avoid the litter, avoid single use plastic.
Use electricity and water conservatively.
Do not fell trees indiscriminately.

Nature's bounty is for us to use, not to misuse.
Lets us remember the 3Rs - Reflect, Remember and Rescue. Or even the good old fashioned Reduce, Recycle and Reuse would work as well!

hashtagearthday hashtagreuse hashtagreducewaste hashtagnotosingleuse

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