Gifts for the Festive Season

The Festive Season is coming upon us. It is the time for meeting and greeting friends and family, spreading joy and happiness, giving and receiving gifts. Gift shopping is a happy activity but can also be quite confusing. What can you give a person who has it all? Because surely these days we all have enough of material gifts be it small electronics, candles, trays, vases and decors. While each of these may be very meaningful and even useful, they do not add more value to one's life.

This year, make a choice. Give the gift of a meaningful life where discovery of mindfulness can lead to a better quality of life.

With the Dream Wheel,each wish can be reinforced and the gifted encouraged to continue dreaming.

The Labyrinth is a great tool to aid in meditation.

A simple gift like a pair of wooden coasters with a positive message engraving can infuse the everyday glass of water with good vibrations.

A trivet with the symbol of plenty is an everlasting gift.

These are but examples of some gifts that keep giving. This Festive Season, be mindful in gifting and make the wolrd a better place, gift by gift!