How Can a Jute Wine Bag Make All the Difference to Your Customers?

Wine is more of a passion than a business. It is a passionate wine lover who can be a true connoiseur. Both buying and selling wine is an art and a labour of love. It is reasonable to assume that for a wine business, the wine is star of the show. After painstaking research, numerous trips abroad and many happy hours later, you have built a wine collection to be proud of.

However, the first taste of the wine is usually with the eyes. Extrinsic packaging attributes provide consumers with social and aesthetic utility and strongly influence expectations which can even withstand disconfirmation after the customers have tasted the product.

So the manufacturer designs an attractive bottle with an eye catching label. An elegant design elevates the perception of the wine to higher levels. A vintage is established and much loved!

But, long after the sales, what will bring a recall to the customers for your brand? The wine itself will carry a label of the manufacturer. How then can you ensure future sales? Someone with pride in their label will surely think of ways of attracting eyeballs to it.

Wine bags are a good solution to the problem of efficient wine packaging and transport. A wine bag shields the wine bottle from external shocks as well as makes it easy to carry. Jute wine bags have the added advantage of being sturdy, resuable and reliable. Jute wine bags with a transparent side showcases the wine label. The other side of the wine bag can be printed with the logo of the wine seller, making it easy for customers to recall. Jute wine bags generally have a thin PP lamination that makes it durable as well protects the sweating from a chilled wine bottle.

Jute wine bags also come in multiple configurations and can easily hold 2,3 or even 6 bottles of wine at a time. They prove to be especially easy to carry wine as a gift, to large gatherings or for delivery. These jute wine bags have partitions that protect the bottles from hitting each other. These partitions can be moved to one side and the bag becomes a normal tote when not used for bottles.